胜发石业2008年成立于中国著名的石材之乡一一南安水头,是一家现代化一体的大型石材 企业,从矿山开采,大板加工,成品精加工到工程订单及出口贸易于一体,具有设备先进、技术力量雄厚的优势,还有一批专业石材的管理团队。 胜发石业秉着多年的石材经验不断学习,不断超越,博才众长,以及不懈的坚持,不断的 追求卓越,成长为信誉良好的、品质优质的大型石材企业,公司以“科技引领生产,创新引领 市场”作为公司经营战略方针,坚持“以人为本,信誉至上,品味高尚,服务优先”为宗旨, 追求更高更远。 胜发绝对是您从事石材加工贸易,工程建设的佳合作伙伴,愿与各位同仁携手同进,创 造美好的明天! Nanan water head, founded in 2008 in China's famous stone land, is a large stone enterprise of modern integration. From mine mining, large plate processing, finished product finishing to engineering order and export trade, it has advanced equipment, strong technical strength, and a group of professional stone management team. With many years of experience in stone and stone industry, the company has continued to learn, transcend, surpass, continue to persist, continue to pursue excellence, grow into a reputable and high-quality large stone enterprise. The company takes "technology leading production, innovation leading the market" as the strategic policy of the company, insisting on "people-oriented, reputation" On the one hand, "noble tastes, service priority" is our aim. Sheng Fa is definitely your best partner in stone processing trade and engineering construction, and is willing to join hands with colleagues to create a better tomorrow.
公司名称 | 泉州胜发石材 |
主营产品 | 香雪金灰/云多拉灰/金砖灰/爱琴海灰/香雪灰/格兰云灰/欧米茄灰/古堡灰/珍妮灰/北极光/皇室金花/金镶玉/格兰云天/美尼斯灰/新古堡灰/新云多拉灰 |
手机 | 186****5888 查看 |
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详细地址 |
福建省水头镇华辉精品市场N区 |
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